Anyone knowing the code can enter a chat room and join the group, and the codes become known as they are used in the community.

If the visual option is chosen, the user shows as a headshot to the head of the group.

Users can connect their session by audio or choose to connect by visual and audio through their computer. After that, then there is a charge for air time. There is no fee to download the software, and the first 40 minutes is free. Once you enter the code, you will enter a waiting room where the head of the group can admit everyone to the chat at the proper time. Once installed, Zoom will ask you to enter a code for the meeting you wish to join. To speak to a group in Zoom, a user downloads the software on his computer. Due to the home isolation caused by Coronovirus 19 and its ease of use, Zoom became almost over night the popular choice of schools and other businesses to allow their employees or students to work together from home. Zoom Video Telecommunications is a company based in San Jose, CA, that provides an effective software program that allow one or more persons to talk to each other over the internet.